a Lynne's


Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Miners.
I heard enough commentary and read enough words on how the community in West Virginia thought they had a miracle but then learned the truth. Can't even imagine going throught that. But I hadn't read much about the dead. I really wanted to know who these people were.


Have you heard about the notes some of them wrote as death approached? — "Tell all I'll see them on the other side. It wasn't bad. I just went to sleep. I love you, Jr."

It's a bit voyeuristic, dwelling on such details. But I found the story moving: the last act of several of the miners was to reassure their loved ones that they weren't suffering. Pretty amazing, I think.
Q -
Thanks for the link. I read/heard a little about a note regarding them just going to sleep but not as much detail as the Globe & Mail article. Thanks.
PS: I don't find it as voyeuristic as the human need to know they did not suffer the worst horrible death.

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