a Lynne's


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Rozanne did not “tag” me but I am copying her anyway. I admit that I am cheating slightly because 11 -20 are from a similar meme.

20 Random thing about me.

1. I don’t wear a watch.

2. I dislike facial tissue with lotion in it.

3. I am a firm believer in “fragrance free” and “unscented products” (cleaning products aisle kills me).

4. I have great teeth.

5. My 1996 car has less than 45k miles on it and it was driven cross-country.

6. I am the youngest in my family.

7. While at work I can’t seem to sit at my desk with both feet on the floor.

8. My first gynocogist was the same doctor that delievered me. I haven’t had a male gyno since.

9. I have amazing intuition and that freaks some people out.

10. I owe lots of money to Sallie Mae.

11. I crashed &/or had an accident on a tricycle, bicycle, go-cart, and an automobile.

12. Bagged Joe Perry’s (Aerosmith) and the late Mark Sandman’s (Morphine) groceries.

13. I fought off an oversexed and aggressive waiter, my waiter, in the bathroom of a restaurant in Rome, Italy.

14. Successfully drove my car across the Sunshine Skyway Bridge at 2am without knowledge of doing so. (it was so foggy I had no idea I was on it, otherwise my friend would have had to take the wheel).

15. Lived in a European castle with 2 moats.

16. Walked inside a glacier.

17. Wrote my name on the Berlin Wall.

18. Had a dozen or so people sing Happy Birthday to me from the top of Mount St. Helens.

19. Met John F. Kennedy Jr. in Provincetown, MA at a private fundraiser without spending a dime.

20. Indexed 40+ pages of docments, from the Felt Collection. In accordance with the Procedures Manual for Preservation and Access to the Massachusetts Archives Volumes as Established in the NEH grant of 1994-1996.


#21. Cheater! :)
I am bowled over by the living in a European castle with a two moats feat!!!!!!

How did you manage that?

Facial tissue with lotion in it should be outlawed!!!!
And a great smile too.
I spent a semester in Europe.

I accidently purchased tissue with lotion the other night I did not realize until the next day. So frustrating because I would have sworn I got lotion free.

Which M are you. MC, MM, MD, MR? Thanks for the compliment!
Man, we need to have more chats. So much I didn't know.

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